Aeroplex Component Repair Center

We have been committed to providing top-tier maintenance services for passenger and cargo aircraft and components. The perfect blend of aviation service, professionalism, and experience drives our continuous growth and advancements.

The innovation doesn’t stop.

Our company opens new doors in the aviation market with its new Component Repair Center, expanding our capabilities and enhancing our service offerings.

Aeroplex’s new Component Repair Center is designed to enhance our services and meet the evolving demands of the global market.

Our state-of-the-art Center spans more than 7,000 square meters and is equipped with cutting-edge semi-automatic and automatic technologies.

At the heart of our new component center you can find the following three main units:

  • The Wheels and Brakes shop, with the capacity to handle up to 20,000 wheels and 800 brakes. Quality and reliability are our top priorities. We are dedicated to short turnaround times, and our clients know they can always count on us to meet deadlines.
  • The Engine Parts shop, with 30,000 engine parts, including fan blade platforms, acoustic panels and OGVs. Our specialized teams, supported by engineering, customer service, quality assurance, and EHS operate together for our goals.
  • The Composite structure repair, with the ability to repair 1,000 composite structure parts per year. This capability helps to establish Aeroplex as a primary supplier to customers with the highest standards and capacity demands.

This setup ensures streamlined production processes and reduced turnaround times, delivering reliable and efficient services for our clients.

Join us as we leap into the future of Aeroplex, setting new benchmarks in aviation excellence!

Watch the video of the new Component Repair Center here: Aeroplex Component Repair Center – coming soon! – YouTube

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7,000 square metre hall

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30,000 engine hardware repairs

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20,000 wheels & 800 breaks repairs

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1,000 composite component repairs

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Location: HelloParks industrial park in Maglód

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The takeover: capacity expansion

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New FPI lines for non-destructive testing of components

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